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Whew! What a Spring/Summer!

Writer's picture: RobRob

Friends, to say that the gauntlet we've run from Astronomicon 6 back in March through stops at Cherry Capital Comic Con in May, Astronomicon 6.5 in June, 6 variant covers for Blaze Ya Dead Homie, the official release of the book in late July/early August, a signing at Traverse City's Top Comics in August, and several smaller stops along the way has been an absolute blast would be an understatement of the most severe kind.

In addition to all of that, there have been a handful of podcast appearances and LOTS of great moments connecting with friends, fans, and collaborators alike! Most of these exploits can be found on my social media pages, but have not made it to this space yet. If you are so inclined, go social stalk me for a bit to see what I've been up to!

My plans are to catch up on a couple of update posts to cover all of the antics in-depth here, but for now this post will have to do as a placeholder. If you're looking for Blaze books, fear not- copies are being loaded onto the site for purchase as I write this!

More (including a few website updates) to come soon...


© 2023 by Rob Humphrey. Punching the Clock and all related characters © 2011-2023 Rob Humphrey & Jeff Manley. Background image and logo inspired by Kenner; designed by Jason Plowman. Cartoon Avatar Illustrated by Jim McClain and Colored by Serena Guerra.

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